Turmeric Rheumatoid Arthritis

Turmeric Rheumatoid Arthritis studies are promising

Review common questions about Turmeric Rheumatoid Arthritis. And find out why this herb is so important, it may be the key to your health.
Rheumatoid arthritis or RA is a painful disease that affects millions of people around the world. It should not be confused with osteoarthritis, which is caused by the progressive breakdown of cartilage in the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis, is actually a disease that is brought on by the body’s own immune system. For reasons that are as yet unclear, the immune systems of people with RA all of a sudden start to go after bodily tissues, such as the synovium in the joints. It tends to do most of its damage in the joints of the body, but it can attack anywhere. Many RA sufferers complain of skin problems as well as heart and lung issues. The long term prognosis of RA is poor, with as much as 80% of patients affected becoming disabled with a reduced life expectancy.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and Osteoarthritis (OA) are different types of arthritis. Arthritis is a general term for conditions that affect the joints and surrounding tissues that causes damage to the cartilage and joints. With Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the body’s immune system attacks the joints, leading to swelling, pain and the eventual destruction of cartilage at the joint. With Osteoarthritis (OA), joint damage is caused by natural wear and tear over time.
Arthritisis known to be a chronic condition, and for patients this means that the debilitating symptoms can come or go at any time. Even though this is the case, some patients have been known to go into remission, no longer exhibiting any of the symptoms of this disease. A good number of these people claim to have achieved this by weaning themselves off Western medications, and refocusing their energy on living healthy overall lives. In many cases, this has meant a big change in the things that they eat. One such dietary item that is becoming all the rage is the spice known as Turmeric.
Turmeric Rheumatoid Arthritis . In a new study in India, 45 patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis were randomized into three groups: curcumin, the standard of care drug, or both. The first group received 500 milligrams (mg) of curcumin, the second group with a dose 50 mg of diclofenac sodium (Voltaren). And the third group received both the curcumin and the diclofenac sodium together. Patients in all three groups experienced significant changes in their respective DAS (criteria for assessing RA pain) as a result of the treatment. But patients in the curcumin only group experienced the most drastic improvements in the DAS scores, measuring significantly higher than the scores achieved in the diclofenac sodium only group. More significant were the respective treatment outcomes in terms of adverse event prevalence. Patients in both the diclofenac sodium-only group and the diclofenac sodium-plus-curcumin group both experienced some degree of adverse events, while patients in the curcumin-only group experienced no adverse events whatsoever.

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What are the symtoms of Rheumatiod Arthritis?
RA is a progressive disease. That means that if the underlying conditions aren’t changed, the disease will cause more and more damage to the body over time. There are quite a few symptoms associated with the illness. These include:

  • Swelling.
  • Fatigue
  • Joint pain
    Stiffness in joints, which is caused by inflammation of tissues within the joint.
    A large number of different and unrelated joints affected.
    Symmetric (both sides of the body) effects. For example, if one knee is affected, the other will be as well. Can effect internal organs, such as the lungs and heart.
    That is quite a long list of painful symptoms in the previous paragraph. It is a lot of bad news, but the good news is that Turmeric is a virtual one stop shop for the treatment and mitigation of RA. For one thing, Turmeric is rich in the substance known as curcumin. One of curcumin’s most valuable assets is its ability to reduce inflammation. Since RA is characterized by the way it induces the immune system to attack and inflame various tissues, curcumin’s potential value in this regard is obvious.
    Curcumin also has a healthy effect of many of the hormones and enzymes used by the body. This may be one of the reasons that RA sufferers who have used Turmeric have reported being free from RA for many years. Turmeric Rheumatoid arthritis studies are promising and researchers continue to delve into the reasons why Turmeric does what it does. They are welcome to continue, and in the meantime those of us who have chronic conditions such as RA will continue to use it for its amazing health benefits. New study suggests curcumin’s value for arthritis treatment the results are interesting, it’s worth a closer look.

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